
Effective Prompt Models

Models and frameworks for crafting effective prompts, which are designed to guide AI systems like GPT in generating accurate and useful responses:

Four-Point ModelGoal, Context, Instructions, ConstraintsFocuses on defining the goal, providing context, giving instructions, and setting constraints for the AI.“Explain the impact of inflation on small businesses in under 200 words.”
Prompt-Response ModelPrompt, ResponseEmphasizes the direct link between the prompt and the desired outcome.Prompt: “Write a reminder email for tomorrow’s meeting.” Response: Email text.
RTF (Role, Task, Format)Role, Task, FormatSpecify the AI’s role, define the task, and indicate the format for the response.Role: “HR Manager.” Task: “Write a welcome email.” Format: “Formal and concise.”
CRISP ModelContext, Role, Instructions, Specifics, PolitenessProvides detailed context, role for AI, specific instructions, and tone of response.“As a financial advisor, explain retirement planning for someone in their 30s.”
TAP ModelTask, Audience, PurposeFocuses on the task, audience, and purpose of the prompt to clarify expectations.Task: “Summarize an article.” Audience: “High school students.” Purpose: “Explain basic concepts.”
CARA ModelContext, Action, Response, AccuracyEnsures accurate, clear, and concise outputs by specifying the context and desired action.Context: “You are summarizing a research paper.” Action: “Write a brief summary.” Response: “Keep it under 100 words.” Accuracy: “Ensure it’s factual.”
PIERCE ModelPurpose, Instructions, Examples, Reference, Constraints, EvaluationFocuses on goal clarity, specific instructions, and measurable outcomes with clear evaluation criteria.“Write a 300-word blog post on cloud computing, referencing the Gartner 2023 report. Keep it informative and easy to understand.”
SIC ModelSituation, Input, ConstraintsProvides a scenario and specific inputs, along with clear constraints like length or format.Situation: “Student writing an essay on climate change.” Input: “Provide three arguments for renewable energy.” Constraints: “Each argument under 50 words.”
IDEA ModelIdentify, Describe, Example, ActionIdentifies the task, describes the context, and provides examples with clear actions for the AI to take.“Explain photosynthesis in simple terms and include an example of how plants convert sunlight to energy.”
SAFE ModelStructure, Audience, Format, ExamplesFocuses on organizing the structure, audience, format, and examples to guide the AI.Structure: “Introduction, main points, conclusion.” Audience: “College students.” Format: “Three-paragraph essay.”

Each of these models helps ensure that the prompts given to AI systems are clear, focused, and result in useful and relevant outputs.

Posted in AI