
Power Platform Dataverse Data Types

Dataverse, the data backbone of Microsoft Power Platform, offers a wide variety of data types for storing and managing data. Choosing the right data type is critical for ensuring that your data is stored efficiently and processed correctly. Below is a table outlining the key Dataverse data types along with a brief description of each.

Data TypeDescriptionExamples of Usage
TextStores text-based data. Can be used for short or long text fields.Names, addresses, descriptions
Whole NumberStores integer values.Quantities, counts, ages
Decimal NumberStores numbers with decimal places, with precise control over precision and scale.Prices, weights, measurements
CurrencySpecialized number field for storing monetary values. Supports currency formatting.Product prices, total sales, budgets
Date and TimeStores date and time values. Supports options for storing only dates or both date and time.Birthdates, event schedules, timestamps
BooleanStores true/false values.Yes/no answers, checkboxes
Option SetStores predefined options as selectable values.Gender, status, categories
MultiSelect Option SetStores multiple predefined options that can be selected at once.Skills, tags, product categories
LookupCreates a relationship to another table, storing references to records in that table.Foreign keys, relationships between students and courses
FileAllows file attachments to be stored in the database.Uploading documents, storing images
ImageStores an image for each record.Profile pictures, product images
ChoiceProvides multiple pre-defined options for the user to choose from. Similar to Option Set but more flexible.Types of users, priorities
Floating Point NumberStores approximate decimal numbers with a large range but less precision.Scientific calculations, approximate values
GUIDStores globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) for uniquely identifying records.Unique keys, primary keys in relational models
EmailStores valid email addresses.Contact information, user accounts
Phone NumberStores phone numbers in various formats.Contact details, customer service numbers
URLStores website links or other URLs.Website fields, social media profiles
Lookup (1)Defines a one-to-many relationship between tables.Customer-orders relationship, parent-child record relationships
Lookup (N)Defines a many-to-many relationship between tables.Courses-students relationships, product-tag relationships
Rich TextAllows for formatting within text fields (e.g., bold, italics, lists).Notes, descriptions, formatted documentation
Auto NumberAutomatically generates a unique number for each record.Invoice numbers, ticket numbers

Key Points to Consider:

  • Text vs. Choice: Text is versatile for user-inputted data, but if the field has a limited set of values, an Option Set or MultiSelect Option Set provides better control.
  • Numbers: Use Whole Number for integers, Decimal for precise decimal values, and Floating Point for large ranges with less precision.
  • Lookups: Use Lookup fields for creating relationships between tables, essential for modeling complex data relationships.
  • Boolean: Perfect for simple Yes/No or True/False answers, improving logic clarity in your apps.

For more details, check the official Dataverse documentation.

This blog post can help users navigate through Dataverse data types and optimize their Power Platform applications.