Integrating GitHub with Eclipse IDE enhances version control capabilities for your development projects. Eclipse, with the EGit plugin, provides a seamless experience for managing projects stored on GitHub. Here’s how to configure GitHub with Eclipse IDE:

Step 1: Install EGit in Eclipse

EGit is the official Git plugin for Eclipse. It might come pre-installed with Eclipse IDE for Java Developers, but if it’s not, here’s how to install it:

  1. Open Eclipse and go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace…
  2. Search for “EGit” in the Eclipse Marketplace dialog.
  3. Install EGit: Find the EGit plugin and click “Install”. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
  4. Restart Eclipse when prompted to do so.

Step 2: Configure Git in Eclipse

Before you start using Git, configure your Git settings:

  1. Open Preferences: Go to Window > Preferences (on macOS, Eclipse > Preferences).
  2. Navigate to Git Settings: Select Team > Git > Configuration.
  3. Add User Details: Under the “User Settings” tab, click “Add Entry…” to add your and These should match the name and email associated with your GitHub account.

Step 3: Connect to GitHub

To work with a GitHub repository, you first need to clone it to your local machine:

  1. Open the Git Perspective: Go to Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Other… and select “Git”.
  2. Clone a Repository: Click the “Clone a Git Repository” button in the Git Repositories view.
  3. Enter Repository Details:
    • URI: The URL of the GitHub repository. You can find this on the repository page on GitHub by clicking the “Clone or download” button.
    • Host: Automatically filled based on the URI.
    • Repository path: Automatically filled based on the URI.
    • Authentication: Enter your GitHub username and password. If you have two-factor authentication enabled, you may need to use a personal access token instead of a password.
    • Click “Next” to select the branches you want to clone, then “Next” again to choose the local directory for the clone.
  4. Finish: Click “Finish” to clone the repository.

Step 4: Import Project from Git

After cloning, you may need to import the project into Eclipse:

  1. Open the Import Wizard: Go to File > Import… > Git > Projects from Git, then click “Next”.
  2. Select Repository Source: Choose “Existing local repository” and select the repository you just cloned.
  3. Import as General Project: Follow the prompts to import your project. Depending on the project type, you might need to configure it further (e.g., as a Java project).

Step 5: Work with Git

Now that you have your GitHub project in Eclipse, you can start working. EGit integrates closely with the Eclipse IDE, allowing you to commit, push, pull, and branch directly from the UI.

  • Commit Changes: Right-click your project, go to Team > Commit to commit changes.
  • Push to GitHub: Right-click your project, go to Team > Push to Upstream to push changes to GitHub.
  • Pull from GitHub: Right-click your project, go to Team > Pull to update your local project with changes from GitHub.


  • SSH Keys: If you’re using SSH keys for GitHub, ensure they are correctly set up in Window > Preferences > General > Network Connections > SSH2.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): If you have 2FA enabled for GitHub, use a personal access token instead of your GitHub password when cloning a repository.

Integrating GitHub with Eclipse IDE streamlines the development process, making it easier to manage version control for your projects.