This table helps to delineate the specific strengths, focuses, and use cases of Apache Mahout, DL4J/Deeplearning4j, and Weka within the context of machine learning and artificial intelligence development in Java.

Feature/ToolApache MahoutDL4J (DeepLearning4Java)WekaDeeplearning4j
FocusCollaborative filtering, clustering, classificationDeep learning for Java and Scala, integration with big data techBroad spectrum of machine learning techniques beyond deep learningSame as DL4J
Use CasesRecommendation systems, predictive analyticsImage recognition, NLP, time series analysisData mining tasks, educational purposes, prototype machine learningSame as DL4J
AdvantagesScalable with Hadoop, efficient large dataset handlingDesigned for production, scalable, robust, active communityUser-friendly GUI, extensive documentation, good for beginnersSame as DL4J
LimitationsNarrower focus, slower pace of developmentSteeper learning curve, Java-centricNot as scalable for large datasets, less focus on deep learningSame as DL4J
Best ForCollaborative filtering, clustering, and classification at scaleProduction-level deep learning applicationsEducational purposes, machine learning prototyping without codingProduction-level deep learning applications in Java and Scala environments