Configuring Visual Studio Code (VS Code) with GitHub enhances your development workflow by leveraging powerful version control directly from your IDE. Here’s a comprehensive guide to setting up and using GitHub within VS Code:


  • Install Git: Ensure Git is installed on your system. You can download it from
  • Install VS Code: If you haven’t already, download and install Visual Studio Code from

Setting Up GitHub in VS Code

1. Sign in to GitHub

  • Via VS Code UI: Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS) and search for GitHub: Sign in. Follow the prompts to authenticate with GitHub.
  • Via Git Credential Manager: When you perform Git operations from VS Code for the first time, the Git Credential Manager might prompt you for your GitHub credentials.

2. Install the GitHub Extension

  • Although VS Code has built-in support for Git, the GitHub Pull Requests and Issues extension enhances GitHub integration. Install it from the VS Code Marketplace by searching for “GitHub Pull Requests and Issues” and clicking install.

Using GitHub within VS Code

Clone a Repository

  • Use the Command Palette and search for Git: Clone, then paste the URL of the GitHub repository you want to clone. Alternatively, you can clone repositories from the Source Control view (Ctrl+Shift+G).

Commit Changes

  • Make changes to your files. In the Source Control panel, you’ll see a list of modified files. Stage changes by clicking the + button next to each file or right-click and select “Stage Changes”.
  • Enter a commit message in the text box and press Ctrl+Enter (Cmd+Enter on macOS) to commit the staged changes to your local repository.

Push and Pull

  • Push your changes to GitHub by clicking the “…” menu in the Source Control panel and selecting “Push”. Similarly, you can pull changes from GitHub by selecting “Pull”.

Manage Branches

  • Create, switch, and merge branches directly from VS Code. Use the bottom left corner status bar to create or switch branches. To merge branches, open the Command Palette and search for Git: Merge Branch.

Resolve Merge Conflicts

  • If there are merge conflicts, VS Code highlights these. Open the conflicting file, and VS Code will show options to accept incoming changes, keep current changes, or merge manually.

Work with Pull Requests

  • With the GitHub Pull Requests and Issues extension, you can create, review, and merge pull requests directly from VS Code. Access this feature from the GitHub panel in the sidebar.

Additional Tips

  • GitHub Repositories Extension: For working entirely within VS Code, consider the “GitHub Repositories” extension, which allows you to work on GitHub repositories without cloning them locally.
  • Use SSH Keys: For a more secure and convenient way to authenticate with GitHub, consider setting up SSH keys. Generate an SSH key, add it to your GitHub account, and ensure VS Code knows about your SSH key.

Troubleshooting & Tips

  • Authentication Issues: If you encounter issues signing into GitHub, ensure your system’s Git configuration is correct. You can also try signing in using the web browser flow or personal access tokens.
  • Proxy Settings: If you’re behind a proxy, configure Git and VS Code to use your proxy settings. This ensures smooth communication with GitHub.